Roel Vermeulen

Roel Vermeulen is Professor of Environmental Epidemiology and Exposome Science at the Institute for Risk Assessment Sciences at Utrecht University and the Julius Centre for Health Sciences and Primary Care at the UMC Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Since 2024 Vermeulen is Scientific Director of the Institute 4 Preventive Health (i4PH), which is part of the alliance between of the universities of TU Eindhoven, Wageningen (WUR), Utrecht University and UMC Utrecht. He chairs the planetary health community of Utrecht Life Sciences at Utrecht University and holds a visiting professor position at Imperial College London.

Vermeulen is the scientific director of Exposome-NL, leads an EU project (EXPANSE) as part of the European Human Exposome Network, coordinates the Dutch Hub of the European infrastructure on Exposome research (EIRENE-NL), co-coordinates the International Human Exposome Network (IHEN) and coordinates an EU project on micro- and nanoplastics (AURORA). He is the Principal Investigator of several large case-control and prospective (biobank) studies in occupational and the general population.

Vermeulen’s scientific research focuses on environmental risk factors for non-communicable diseases, with a strong emphasis on integrating epidemiology, high-quality exposure/exposome assessment and molecular biology into multidisciplinary investigations in order to: 

  • Identify new risks, clarify exposure-response relationships, and effect modification by individual susceptibility, and elucidate underlying mechanisms of disease; 
  • Implement and evaluate interventions in real-world settings.

With his studies in these areas Vermeulen highlights the limitations in current exposure and epidemiological approaches, and the critical need for developing new methods to quantify the external and internal exposome through use of high-resolution exposure monitoring and omics signatures.


Roel Vermeulen appointed as Distinguished University ProfessorRoel Vermeulen appointed as Distinguished University Professor IHEN: Building a network of scientists exploring environmental impacts on our healthIHEN: Building a network of scientists exploring environmental impacts on our health Research into the impact of microplastics on women's healthResearch into the impact of microplastics on women's health The Ethical Aspects of Exposome Research: A Systematic ReviewThe Ethical Aspects of Exposome Research: A Systematic Review Horizon Europe grant for research into the best, personalised treatment for high blood pressureHorizon Europe grant for research into the best, personalised treatment for high blood pressure Preventive health: urgent and impactful for all researchersPreventive health: urgent and impactful for all researchers Researchers map air quality of each stage of La VueltaResearchers map air quality of each stage of La Vuelta Using large-scale population research to identify what shapes a healthy gut microbiomeUsing large-scale population research to identify what shapes a healthy gut microbiome This summer, children research air quality with Utrecht scientistsThis summer, children research air quality with Utrecht scientists Professors cycle to elementary school students during Meet the ProfessorProfessors cycle to elementary school students during Meet the Professor Air quality and COVID-19Air quality and COVID-19 Project Air View shares hyperlocal map of air quality in CopenhagenProject Air View shares hyperlocal map of air quality in Copenhagen NWO invests 3.2 million euros in exposome infrastructureNWO invests 3.2 million euros in exposome infrastructure ‘The people in this neighbourhood live longer, healthier lives’‘The people in this neighbourhood live longer, healthier lives’ New job opportunitiesNew job opportunities Predicting and preventing COVID-19Predicting and preventing COVID-19 Research into microplastics and nanoplastics and chemical substancesResearch into microplastics and nanoplastics and chemical substances We are looking for researchers to strenghten our team in UtrechtWe are looking for researchers to strenghten our team in Utrecht Research into the development of lung damage and chronic complaints after COVID-19Research into the development of lung damage and chronic complaints after COVID-19 Decoding the exposome, the biggest influencer on healthDecoding the exposome, the biggest influencer on health Webinar Healthy Urban Spatial Planning on 29 OctoberWebinar Healthy Urban Spatial Planning on 29 October Blog: Let's clear the airBlog: Let's clear the air Utrecht University starts platform for innovative solutions for a healthy urban livingUtrecht University starts platform for innovative solutions for a healthy urban living Predicting and preventing serious COVID-19 symptomsPredicting and preventing serious COVID-19 symptoms Researchers call for a new research approachResearchers call for a new research approach


Validating and constructing behavioral models for simulation and projection using automated knowledge extraction

Tabea S. Sonnenschein, G. Ardine de Wit, Nicolette R. den Braver, Roel C.H. Vermeulen, Simon Scheider
Information Sciences Volume 662 (2024)

LUR modeling of long-term average hourly concentrations of NO2 using hyperlocal mobile monitoring data

Zhendong Yuan, Youchen Shen, Gerard Hoek, Roel Vermeulen, Jules Kerckhoffs
Science of The Total Environment, Volume 922 (2024)

Nature-versus-nurture considered harmful: Actionability as an alternative tool for understanding the exposome from an ethical perspective

Caspar W. Safarlou, Roel Vermeulen, Karin R. Jongsma
Bioethics (2024)

A detour for snacks and beverages? A cross-sectional assessment of selective dairy mobility bias in food outlet exposure along the commuting route and dietary intakes

Lai Wei, Joreintje Machkenbach, Maartje Poelman, Roel Vermeulen, Marco Helibich
Health & Place

A State-of-the-Science Review on High-Resolution Metabolomics Application in Air Pollution Health Research: Current Progress, Analytical Challenges, and Recommendations for Future Direction

Donghai Liang, Zhenjiang Li, Jelle Vlaanderen, Ziyin Tang, Dean P. Jones, Roel Vermeulen, and Jeremy A. Sarnat
Environmental Health Perspective

Variability of the Human Serum Metabolome over 3 Months in the EXPOsOMICS Personal Exposure Monitoring Study

Max J. Oosterwegel, Dorina Ibi, Lützen Portengen, Nicole Probst-Hensch, Sonia Tarallo, Alessio Naccarati, Medea Imboden, Ayoung Jeong, Nivonirina Robinot, Augustin Scalbert, Andre F. S. Amaral, Erik van Nunen, John Gulliver, Marc Chadeau-Hyam, Paolo Vineis, Roel Vermeulen, Pekka Keski-Rahkonen, and Jelle Vlaanderen
Environmental Science & Technology

Enabling the Nonhypothesis-Driven Approach: On Data Minimalization, Bias, and the Integration of Data Science in Medical Research and Practice

C. W. Safarlou, M. van Smeden, R. Vermeulen, K. R. Jongsma
The American Journal of Bioethics Volume 23, 2023 - Issue 9

Impact of occupational pesticide exposure on the human gut microbiome

Milla F Brandao Gois, Asier Fernández-Pato, Anke Huss, Ranko Gacesa, Cisca Wijmenga, Rinse K Weersma, Jingyuan Fu, Roel C H Vermeulen, Alexandra Zhernakova, Virissa C Lenters, Alexander Kurilshikov
Front. Microbiol., 10 August 2023 Sec. Microbial Symbioses Volume 14 - 2023 |

The Ethical Aspects of Exposome Research: A Systematic Review

Caspar W Safarlou, Karin R Jongsma, Roel Vermeulen, Annelien L Bredenoord

Severe COVID-19 Is Characterised by Perturbations in Plasma Amines Correlated with Immune Response Markers, and Linked to Inflammation and Oxidative Stress

Naama Karu, Alida Kindt, Adriaan J van Gammeren, Anton A M Ermens, Amy C Harms, Lutzen Portengen, Roel C H Vermeulen, Willem A Dik, Anton W Langerak, Vincent H J van der Velden, Thomas Hankemeier
Metabolites (volume 12, issue 7)

Plasma Oxylipins and Their Precursors Are Strongly Associated with COVID-19 Severity and with Immune Response Markers

Naama Karu, Alida Kindt, Lieke Lamont, Adriaan J van Gammeren, Anton A M Ermens, Amy C Harms, Lutzen Portengen, Roel C H Vermeulen, Willem A Dik, Anton W Langerak, Vincent H J van der Velden, Thomas Hankemeier
Metabolites (volume 12, issue 7)

Exposure to ambient ultrafine particles and allergic sensitization in children up to 16 years

Femke Bouma, Gerard Hoek, Gerard H Koppelman, Judith M Vonk, Jules Kerckhoffs, Roel Vermeulen, Ulrike Gehring
Environmental Research, volume 219

Measuring environmental exposures in people's activity space: The need to account for travel modes and exposure decay

Lai Wei, Mei-Po Kwan, Roel Vermeulen, Marco Helbich
Journal of exposure science & environmental epidemiology

Agent-based Modeling of Urban Exposome Interventions: Prospects, Model Architectures and Methodological Challenges

Tabea Sonnenschein, Simon Scheider, G Ardine de Wit, Cathryn C Tonne, Roel Vermeulen
Exposome, Volume 2

Hyperlocal variation of nitrogen dioxide, black carbon, and ultrafine particles measured with Google Street View cars in Amsterdam and Copenhagen

J. Kerckhoffs, J. Khan, G. Hoek, Z. Yuan, O. Hertel, M. Ketzel, S. Solvang Jensen, F. Al Hasan, K. Meliefste, R. Vermeulen
Environment International (170), December 2022

Associations between the urban exposome and type 2 diabetes: Results from penalised regression by least absolute shrinkage and selection operator and random forest models

H. Ohanyan, L. Portengen, O. Kaplani, A. Huss, G. Hoek, J.W.J. Beulens, J. Lakerveld, R. Vermeulen
Environment International (170), December 2022

A Knowledge Transfer Approach to Map Long-Term Concentrations of Hyperlocal Air Pollution from Short-Term Mobile Measurements

Z. Yuan, J. Kerckhoffs, G. Hoek, R. Vermeulen
Environ Sci Technol . 2022 Sep 19. doi: 10.1021

Integrating large-scale stationary and local mobile measurements to estimate hyperlocal long-term air pollution using transfer learning methods

Zhendong Yuan, Jules Kerckhoffs, Youchen Shen, Kees de Hoogh, Gerard Hoek, Roel Vermeulen
Environmental Research Volume 228, 1 July 2023, 115836

Europe-wide air pollution modeling from 2000 to 2019 using geographically weighted regression

Youchen Shen, Kees de Hoogh, Oliver Schmitz, Nicholas Clinton, Karin Tuxen-Bettman, Jørgen Brandt, Jesper Christensen, Lise Frohn, Camilla Geels, Derek Karssenberg, Roel Vermeulen, Gerard Hoek
Environment International (168), October 2022

Environmental factors shaping the gut microbiome in a Dutch population

R. Gacesa, A. Kurilshikov, A. Vich Vila, T. Sinha, M.A.Y. Klaassen L.A. Bolte, S. Andreu-Sánchez, L. Chen, V. Collij, S. Hu, J.A.M. Dekens, V.C. Lenters, J.R. Björk, J.C. Swarte, M.A. Swertz, B.H. Jansen, J. Gelderloos-Arends, S. Jankipersadsing, M. Hofker, R.C.H. Vermeulen, S. Sanna, H.J.M. Harmsen, C. Wijmenga, J. Fu, A. Zhernakova, R.K. Weersma
Nature (2022)

Mixed-Effects Modeling Framework for Amsterdam and Copenhagen for Outdoor NO 2 Concentrations Using Measurements Sampled with Google Street View Cars

Jules Kerckhoffs, Jibran Khan, Gerard Hoek, Zhendong Yuan, Thomas Ellermann, Ole Hertel, Matthias Ketzel, Steen Solvang Jensen, Kees Meliefste, Roel Vermeulen
Environment Science and Technology, March 2022

Machine learning approaches to characterize the obesogenic urban exposome

Haykanush Ohanyan, Lützen Portengren, Anke Huss, Eugenio Traini, Joline W.J. Beulens, Gerard Hoek, Jeroen Lakerveld, Roel Vermeulen
Environment International (158), Jan 2022

Ultra-processed food consumption patterns among older adults in the Netherlands and the role of the food environment

Pinho MGM, Lakerveld J, Harbers MC, Sluijs I, Vermeulen R, Huss A, Boer JMA, Verschuren WMM, Brug J, Beulens JWJ, Mackenbach JD.
European Journal of Nutrition. 60 (2021).

Scrutinizing Privacy in Multi-Omics Research: How to Provide Ethical Grounding for the Identification of Privacy-Relevant Data Properties.

Safarlou CW, Bredenoord AL, Vermeulen R, Jongsma KR.
Am J Bioeth. 2021 Dec;21(12):73-75.

Environmental risk factors of type 2 diabetes-an exposome approach

Beulens JWJ, Pinho MGM, Abreu TC, den Braver NR, Lam TM, Huss A, Vlaanderen J, Sonnenschein T, Siddiqui NZ, Yuan Z, Kerckhoffs J, Zhernakova A, Brandao Gois MF, Vermeulen RCH.
Diabetologia. 2021 Nov 18.

Roel Vermeulen

Contact information

Utrecht University
Department Population Health Sciences
Institute for Risk Assesment Sciences (IRAS)

Nieuw Gildestein
Yalelaan 2
Room 3.53
3584 CM Utrecht

Areas of Expertise

Air quality Environmental Epidemiology Epidemiology Exposure Science Microplastics Molecular Epidemiology Pesticides Risk Assessment Sensors

Decoding the exposome

Decoding the exposome

The environment we live in has a dominant impact on our health. It explains an estimated seventy percent of the chronic disease burden. Where we live, what we eat, how much we exercise, the air we breathe and whom we associate with; all of these environmental factors play a role. The combination of these factors over the life course is called the exposome. There is general (scientific) consensus that understanding more about the exposome will help explain the current burden of disease and that it provides entry points for prevention and ...

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