I.B 1 Panel study

The goal of this project is to set up a multi-centre prospective observational study that will be carried out with 800 adults recruited from different existing Dutch population-based cohorts. With this we can measure participants’ personal exposome by implementing novel methods for obtaining data on environmental factors.  

The development of portable, unobtrusive sensing devices and, where possible, their integration with smartphones, which most people already carry, opens the door for continuous and widespread sensing systems.

In this project we will build on previous experience of using and developing sensors and Apps in exposome research. Initially, these new tools will be implemented in the reference Exposome panel study to test their validity and ease of use. Exposome tools with proven utility will subsequently be applied to longitudinal cohorts (across the Netherlands) with intense phenotyping and biological samples to enable the linkage between external and internal Exposome measures and health.


A Knowledge Transfer Approach to Map Long-Term Concentrations of Hyperlocal Air Pollution from Short-Term Mobile Measurements

Z. Yuan, J. Kerckhoffs, G. Hoek, R. Vermeulen
Environ Sci Technol . 2022 Sep 19. doi: 10.1021

Decoding the exposome

Decoding the exposome

The environment we live in has a dominant impact on our health. It explains an estimated seventy percent of the chronic disease burden. Where we live, what we eat, how much we exercise, the air we breathe and whom we associate with; all of these environmental factors play a role. The combination of these factors over the life course is called the exposome. There is general (scientific) consensus that understanding more about the exposome will help explain the current burden of disease and that it provides entry points for prevention and ...

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