Exchange Grant

Supporting collaborations and sharing experience

The Exposome-NL Exchange Grant (EEG) is a grant for all young researchers affiliated to Exposome-NL, to visit a research group in the Netherlands or abroad. The aim of the grant is to promote the opportunity of shared projects within Exposome-NL and to give PhD students and postdocs the opportunity to get relevant experience in other research groups.


  • Applicants must be early career scientists (PhD student or Postdoc) affiliated to Exposome-NL;
  • The Exchange Grant contributes to travel costs and accomodation costs;
  • Applications for grants to attend courses, workshops, or symposia will be approved in some cases. If you are considering this, please contact the exposome office.
  • The total amount of money you can apply for is € 2750. If your stay in a research lab requires additional costs, you can use individual education budget allocated to your research team. In exceptional cases extended budget can be requested.

Application procedure

  • Applications are accepted at three different times throughout the years 2022, 2023 and 2024 (30 April, 30 September, 31 December);
  • Applications are accepted via the online application form;
  • All applications must be written in English.


  • All applications are examined at the Exposome Support Office to ensure that they are complete and eligible;
  • Applications are judged by a committee on the following criteria: quality of the project, the suitability of the host lab for the proposed work, value of the exchange for Exposome-NL and available other funds;
  • The visit should start after the deadline for application;
  • The Exposome-NL committee will decide within 2 weeks from the application deadline;
  • Applicants are informed by the Exposome Support Office by email.


You are asked to provide Exposome-NL with a report of your activity at the host institute, to be sent to The final report must be submitted to the Exposome Support Office within one month after your visit.

The report should be about one page and summarizes the results as well as possible plans for further work to be undertaken. It may include diagrams, charts or illustrations.

Apply now

Overview Exchange Grants

Decoding the exposome

Decoding the exposome

The environment we live in has a dominant impact on our health. It explains an estimated seventy percent of the chronic disease burden. Where we live, what we eat, how much we exercise, the air we breathe and whom we associate with; all of these environmental factors play a role. The combination of these factors over the life course is called the exposome. There is general (scientific) consensus that understanding more about the exposome will help explain the current burden of disease and that it provides entry points for prevention and ...

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